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Today is January 20, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Elkhart, IN

location-map Elkhart , IN | (269) 421 0094

Accepting New Clients

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Life has many joys as well as sorrows. It's important to stay connected and take special care of your self and seeking help when you need or want it is a good thing. Some areas I have helped people with include recovery from PTSD, divorce, death of a loved one, dealing with depression and anxiety, self-improvement, goal setting, life coaching and developing relationship and communication skills. I work with children, adolescents, young adults, older adults, couples and groups. My passion is to help people improve their well-being and satisfaction with themselves and their lives. I use motivational interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and active and reflective listening. You have individual strengths that I would like to highlight and also provide encouragement and support for where you are at in life. I currently have openings and would be glad to speak with you for a free initial phone consultation to see if we would be a good match to work together.

location-map Elkhart , IN | (574) 227 2227

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I was a high school counselor at a large public high school for 25 years and just retired last year. I opened a part-time private practice back in 2007. I kept the practice going for a few years and then closed up shop to focus on my family, as I became a single parent. In 2020, the schools went virtual and my daughter was an adult, so I decided to reopen a part time practice again, but this time in a virtual setting and specialize in anxiety, due to the massive increase I had seen at the school during the last decade. I went full time in January of 2022 and love it. I have broadened my scope and have gotten trained in ERP, as well as ComB and Habit Reversal Training. Over half of my clients suffer from OCD and the rest have some form of anxiety disorder. I have been described as compassionate, cool, and easy to talk to.

Licence Information:

39001909A | Indiana